Crowdfunding Infrastructure Videos

Video: “The Social Investing revolution, the sequel to the Social Media revolution has begun.” {6 min 44 sec)

Explains why the Social Investing Industry is the sequel to the Social Media Industry which was founded in 2003. Early investors in Linkedin, Facebook, YELP and Twitter were able to generate immediate dynasty wealth soon after the Social Media Industry was founded. The video contains the research findings by Michael Markowski that he utilized to produce his “Crowdfunding Must Get Back to Its Roots” October 2014 report about his discovery of the newly emerging Social Investing Industry. Mr. Markowski is predicting that by 2020 the Social Investing Industry will rival the Social Media Industry and its leaders will provide opportunities for investors to generate dynasty wealth.

Video: “Crowdfundings’ Impact on the Markets” (12 min 28 sec)

Produced by the which was founded by Michael Markowski. The video was produced and used by Michael Markowski in the presentation that he made at the Crowd Finance 2013 event.  Dynasty Wealth is predicting that the crowdfunding industry will be one of the world’s largest digital industries by 2020.  The information and research contained in this video was the impetus for the founding of Dynasty Wealth Investing.

Video: “About the Dynasty Wealth Investing Community” (6 min 16 sec)

Explains why the decade ending in 2020 will be recorded by historians as best ever to make 10 to 100 times from a diversified portfolio consisting of companies that are members of the crowdfunding, cannabis and digital economy industries.   Also, provides details on why the Crowdfunding Infrastructure industry will provide dozens of investment opportunities which have the potential to multiply by 10 times or more within 5 years.