Recommendations Browser
Prices and information available as of 05/14/16

Company Symbol Rec. date Price rec. date Recent price % chg. Buy Price limit Latest research report Latest Video News
Diego Pellicer DPWW 05/03/16 $0.92 $0.83 -8.0% $1.25 TI 05/03/16 05/05/16 SCN
N-Viro International NVIC* 05/10/16 $0.85 $0.87 +0.2% $1.50 DW 12/30/15
The Staffing Group Ltd. TSGL 05/10/16 $1.77 $2.00 +13% $3.00 TI 05/10/16
Green Polka Dot Box GPDB 05/10/16 $0.31 $0.30 -3% $0.50 TI 05/10/16 MTV 05/06/16


Highlights for Trophy Investing’s recommendations for week ended May 13, 2016:

•GPDB-after not trading any shares in the previous week shares traded every day for most recent week. Range $0.28-0.32.
•DPWW-shares are a good buy at below $0.90 after they traded as high as $1.00 during week.
•NVIC-shares traded as high as $0.95 after recommended.
•TSGL-shares traded most volume for any week over last 90 days.

Abbreviations:TI=Trophy Investing, DW=Dynasty Wealth, MTV=Money TV, SCN=Small Cap Nation. *Dynasty Wealth, in which I am affiliated has provided compensatory services. Full disclosure contained in linked report.

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